Climate change
Our 4 production plants, highly efficient and equipped with state-of-the-art technology, are located in Italy (Lodi Vecchio, Lainate, Albissola Marina) and in France (Poitiers), close to our main markets;
We favour Italian and French suppliers whenever possible, thus protecting the quality of Made in Italy and Made in France and reducing the transport of raw materials and materials to a minimum. For ESI and ICIM International, 82% and 84% of their suppliers are based in Italy, respectively; for the French company Novamex, on the other hand, 70% of their packaging and raw material suppliers are based in France.
We blow bottles in-house: every year, at our production site in Lodi Vecchio, we directly produce the packaging used in the products that generate the highest sales volumes. In 2022, we produced 107 million bottles used for Vidal, Leocrema, Fresh&Clean, Brelil, Wash&Go, Biopoint, Natual Honey, Tesori d'Oriente and Mantovani products. At our production plant in Poitiers, France, we produced 74 million bottles used for L'Arbre Vert dishwashing detergents in 2022. The in-house production of packaging allows us to eliminate emissions deriving from the transport of materials.