BioNike presents SEAtizen Science

BioNike presents SEAtizen Science

From the renewed collaboration between Worldrise and BioNike, the SEAtizen Scienze project was born which promotes the active participation of the community in providing and consolidating new knowledge for the protection of marine ecosystems and making a significant contribution to the conservation of the sea. During Biodiversity Day, together with some very special guests, we started this participatory science project, collecting fundamental data on the marine biodiversity present within the Local Marine Conservation Area in Golfo Aranci, Sardinia. In the next few months you can do it too! By visiting the "Marine City" of Golfo Aranci on SATURDAY 15 JUNE, 13 JULY and 3 AUGUST thanks to the support of BioNike and the support of Worldrise marine biologists, you will be able to participate in SEAtizen Science activities for free and become a scientist for a day! Only by working together can we really make a difference for our sea!